What goes through your mind?

Do you feel physically on top of the world….or could you be making yourself ill?

Either way, what goes through your mind could be the determining factor.

Scary isn’t it? But there is evidence to say that managing your thoughts is not just a ‘nice thing to do’ , it’s important for your well-being; physically and mentally.

All those thoughts that are swirling through your head, playing on your mind or causing you anguish are likely to be having a damaging effect on your body. Which means that you won’t be operating at, or feeling, your best.

Watch any sports person who is going through turmoil in their life and you’ll know what I mean – their performance suffers.

Watch anyone in the public eye who is under pressure (professionally or privately) and you’ll see that they are clearly struggling with their role.

Watch anyone you work with who has things playing on their mind and you’ll see that they are not doing their job as well as you know they can.

And take notice of yourself. When your mind is unsettled,  or you are anxious – those thoughts just won’t leave you alone will they?

That’s when you feel sluggish, tired, under the weather…or ill.

There’s is only one person who can manage those thoughts in your head, and that’s you. And yes there are lots of ways of managing them, here’s just a few:

1. Write your niggling, annoying, troublesome thoughts down – get them out of your head so that you can start to deal with them, one by one.

2. Strengthen your resolve; answer those negative thoughts with positive ways forward, e.g ‘ I can sort this out’, ‘There’s always a solution’, ‘I like a challenge!’, ‘Who can help me with this?’.

3. Give yourself a break; you’re allowed to have low points – everyone does. But give yourself a time limit(10 mins/ 1 hour) so that you don’t stay down for too long. If you ‘wallow’ in it your thoughts could run away with you leaving you feeling out of control.

4. Change your focus; do something completely different to switch your thinking pattern, or go out with/ talk to a friend. Physically moving can help lift your mood.

5.  Tough love; sometimes you can snap yourself out of your thinking by being reminded that the thoughts you are holding onto, are in fact holding you back! If you allow that to continue, what could be the consequences for you mentally and physically?

You deserve better than that don’t you?- take control.

We have thousands of thoughts every single day, so being aware of any that are negative or damaging isn’t easy.

So you’ll have to practice noticing and dealing with them. The more you do it the better you’ll get.

Be careful what you think about , it could be harmful in more ways than one.

Manage your mind, before it manages you.


Straightforward, straight talking